Therapist Directory is an online directory of psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors & social workers in South Africa. We feature a wide variety of therapists with different approaches, styles and skills… giving you the best chance of finding the right therapist, with the relevant skills to suit your needs.
If you are a qualified Psychotherapist, Counsellor or Social Worker in South Africa, then you are welcome to submit your profile for inclusion on this website.
Many thanks for a great service – I find that almost all of my internet referrals come from therapist directory and there has been a pretty steady stream of people since I’ve had my profile up.
Clinical Psychologist in Oranjezicht - Cape Town City Bowl
Selecting the right therapist can be confusing! Here are a set of guidelines for choosing a therapist that's right for you...
Imago Relationship Therapy is a form of relationship and couples therapy that focuses on relational counseling to transform any conflict between couples into opportunities for healing and growth.
Are you depressed? Here are some of the signs of depression to look for—and how they can vary according to your age, gender, and other factors.