BSc (UCT South Africa); B Soc Sci (honours) (UCT South Africa); MA Clinical Psychology (UCT South Africa)
I have been a registered clinical psychologist since 2002 and use a variety of different approaches depending on what will work for a client. This would include short- and long-term individual therapy. I believe in being authentic in the room and compassionate towards people’s struggles. I would call myself a self-psychoanalytic psychotherapist believing that empathy is the cornerstone to any good therapy. I will attempt together with the client to understand the patterns of relating to self, relationships to others and the world. If patterns are identified which bring negative results, the endeavour will be to identify what purpose these serve and to try and replace these patterns of relating with more functional ones; or developing an understanding and compassion towards why the person reacts in a particular way.
I have always believed that in order for a therapeutic relationship between therapist and client to work, it is vitally important for a client to feel safe with the therapist in order to express his/her innermost feelings.
I do not believe that one can do this kind of work if one has not oneself experienced the highs and lows in life. The most effective learning can often come from one’s own experience of being in therapy. This learning helps and continues to help me with my work with others.
I qualified with a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Cape Town in 2002. Since then I have worked in various settings including a community-based organisation in Ireland, an in-patient private hospital in London and in Auckland and at the University of Cape Town. At the university , I saw students for counseling and had a teaching role. I have also run a private practice. In these settings I have used a number of therapeutic modalities.
I have therefore treated a range of chronic psychiatric issues as well as issues of a more temporary nature which causes distress.
Malta – I volunteer my time seeing individual clients and I supervise trainee therapists as well as other qualified individuals.
I am interested in a range of areas including the following: