
Sinette van Rooy Booysen

Clinical Psychologist


Glenwood, Durban

B.Psych | MA (Clinical Psychology), North West University (Potchefstroom Campus)

031 202 7960

063 080 6031

Glenwood Psychology Practice, 136 J.B. Marks Road, Glenwood, Durban, 4001

I am a registered Clinical Psychologist practicing in Glenwood. My profession was chosen based on a sincere interest in the mental well-being of those around me. During sessions I aim to empower my clients to flourish. I work with children, adolescents and adults through individual, marital or family therapy.

I was born and raised in Potchefstroom and completed all my training at the then PU for CHE, before moving to Durban in 2007. I gained professional experience working at the Institute for Psychotherapy and Counselling at the North West University, Witrand Hospital (a facility treating mental illness and impairment), and the Ilembe District Office in Stanger, as well as in Private Practice. I gained diverse experience at these facilities which shaped who I am today and how I view therapy.

Therapy is seen as collaboration between client and therapist. A technical eclectic and integrative approach is followed, by considering which therapeutic approach will work best for a particular client, in a particular situation, with a particular problem. I run my practice based on a firm ethical foundation and only use scientifically sound approaches.

I have special interests in working with:

  • Children – This includes, but is not limited to ADHD and other behaviour difficulties, feeding and eating problems in infancy and early childhood, enuresis (bed-wetting), separation anxiety as well as other anxiety-related problems, pervasive developmental disorders (Autistic and Asperger Disorder), depression in childhood, as well as relationship problems and problems adapting to change
  • Adolescents – This includes, but is not limited to eating problems, self-injurious behaviour, relationship problems (parent-child, sibling as well as peer), coping skills, behaviour problems, anxiety and depression
  • Marital and Relationship Problems – focussing on interaction difficulties, including conflict resolution and poor listening skills, as well as parenting skills
  • Adults – This includes, but is not limited to anxiety, panic, phobic or stress-related difficulties, depression and Bipolar Disorders, psychosis, adaptation problems and eating problems
  • Post-partum/post-natal depression, anxiety or psychosis as well as problems during pregnancy or adaptation after the birth of a baby

I am fluent in both English and Afrikaans.

HPCSA No: PS0101524
Practice No:

Glenwood Psychology Practice