Susan Smith - Psychometrist - Somerset West

Susan Smith – Impact Shoppe

Psychometrist and Specialist Wellness Counsellor

I work with people as well as organisations, using psychometry as the foundation for organisational and people development.

My work with organisations feeds into Talent Management, HR and Organisational Development and Design. I help organisations choose the right people and to empower their people through training and development.

I also support organisations and individuals through Counselling as a registered Specialist Wellness Counsellor at ASCHP. I run workshops and focus groups dedicated to employee wellness.

My work with learners helps support career choices (and subject choice), concession for examinations and tests, and using an EQ psychometric assessment designed for youth and adolescence, to provide wellness counselling and EQ resources to learners and their parents.

I have a small team of dedicated and professional practitioners who support projects around the country. I also do work for international clients.

3 Rannoch Street, Sitari Country Estate, Somerset West, 7134